Author Archives: Yes-Sun

MassPIRG report suggests mandatory composting

POSTED BY: KEN MCENTEE OCTOBER 30, 2021 MassPIRG report suggests mandatory composting The MassPIRG Education Fund, along with Frontier Group and other public interest organizations, has released a report emphasizing the urgent need for the United States to transition towards a zero-waste economy. Titled “Trash in America: Moving from destructive consumption towards a zero-waste system,” […]

Composting is central to healthy soil, clean air and water

POSTED BY: KEN MCENTEE JUNE 1, 2021 Composting is central to healthy soil, clean air and water During International Compost Awareness Week (May 2-8), Frank Franciosi, president of the U.S. Composting Council, emphasized the critical role of compost manufacturing and use in fostering healthy soils, clean air and water, a stable climate, and a sustainable […]

Republic Services opens organics pre-processing facility in California

POSTED BY: KEN MCENTEE APRIL 27, 2021 Republic Services opens organics pre-processing facility in California Republic Services Inc. has inaugurated its first organics pre-processing facility in Northern California, marking a significant advancement in the region’s efforts to divert food and yard waste from landfills. This initiative aligns with California’s new state law, which mandates the […]

Fayetteville, Ark. recognized for food waste composting

POSTED BY: KEN MCENTEE NOVEMBER 20, 2020 Fayetteville, Ark. recognized for food waste composting The Fayetteville, Arkansas Recycling and Trash Division was honored with the 2020 Outstanding Community/Government Program award by the National Recycling Coalition (NRC) for its exceptional achievements in food-waste composting and recycling programs. This recognition is part of the NRC’s annual awards, […]